Le vendredi 5 mai 2017 à 14h à l’université Le Havre Normandie en salle Olympe de Gouges (C105), le laboratoire GRIC aura le plaisir d’accueillir Anne Kustritz, professeure visitante, Maître de conférences à Utrecht University, pour une conférence intitulée :
Vous trouverez un résumé de la conférence ci-dessous :
Transmedia promises viewers a deeper and broader exploration of narrative worlds, but often separates viewers into demographically-determined alternate realities by restricting some narrative elements to the second screen. By presenting a main storyline aimed at a mass audience, then spinning off transmedia extensions targeted to individual demographics, producers encourage the maximum number of people to consume their story. However, this splintering of narrative reality also sanitizes public culture.
Thus, because anyone can enjoy a romantic tale of freedom, while interrogation of slavery, race, and global justice may prove vastly more uncomfortable, Disney chose to release the Pirates of the Caribbean films with a villain known for his fiendish love of accurate cartography, and only provided transmedia access to a parallel narrative world where villains became evil because they profited from the sale of human lives.
By separating and sealing off representations focused on race, gender and sexuality into tertiary narrative threads on the second screen, transmedia increasingly invites specialized audiences to engage with pluralist conceptions of the world, while the stream of the main narrative flow continues to connect mainstream audiences primarily to the perspectives of straight, while, male characters.